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總 覽版 務政 經健康醫療軍 武理 財文 化藝 文科 技台灣的美旅 遊PISA娛 樂鄉 土公 民認 同副 刊哈 啦范氏網
Jerry C
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◆ 美國新寫實巨匠(上) ◆安德魯.魏斯 Andrew Wyeth

頁次: 1 2 
發表:天涯台客 2012-05-27 00:47:00 閱覽數:93464 (IP: ) T 3513_R 0 引 用

《 Christina‘s World 》Tempera on Panel, 32 1/4 X 47 3/4 inches, 1948, Museum of Modern Art, New York.

本欄主要的着重點在於欣賞,安德魯·魏斯(Andrew Wyeth)的作品一向就相當吸引人,評論或討論的文章也已經非常多,在此沒必要多所著墨贅言。





回應:天涯台客 2012-05-27 00:57:00 (IP: ) T 3513_R 1 引 用


安德魯·奈維爾·魏斯(Andrew Newell Wyeth,1917年7月12日-2009年1月16日),又譯懷斯,美國當代重要的新寫實主義畫家,以水彩畫和蛋彩畫為主,以貼近平民生活的主題畫聞名,作品已被相當多的博物館、藝廊重視與收藏,包括了美國國家畫廊。

★ 生平

魏斯出生於美國賓州的 Chadds Ford,排行第五,是最小的孩子。由於他幼時體弱多病,所以他的父母親選擇讓他在家中學習,於是魏斯的藝術教育和繪畫啟蒙都來於他知名的插畫家父親 Newell Convers Wyeth,他的一生沒有上過學校。

他最著名的畫作,是「克莉斯汀娜的世界」Christina‘s World,於1948年完成。此圖畫出的是獨居的 Christina Olson 在美國緬因州麥田中爬行的背影,因此圖所呈現的孤寂與堅強而讓世人倍受感動。圖中的房子 Olson House 今日已變成緬因州的旅遊景點之一。此畫有三乘四呎。當時畫中的克莉斯汀娜現在已有 57 歲。(克莉斯汀娜患有小兒麻痺,死於1969年)此畫已成為美國的經典代表畫作之一,現由現代藝術博物館 MOMA 收藏。

目前以收藏魏斯作品為主的博物館是范士沃斯博物館 Farnsworth Museum。位於緬因州的 Rockland。他的另一幅名作為「海邊的風」Wind from the Sea。


★ 魏斯與黑爾嘉

1986 年的 8 月 18 日,美國時代雜誌以「秘密的模特兒」為封面標題,登出了魏斯以 Helga(黑爾嘉)為模特兒的畫作,並引起關於魏斯的一些評論,原因是黑爾嘉是魏斯隔壁鄰居的看護(已婚),而這一批 240 幅的畫作是魏斯瞞著妻子 Betsy Wyeth 所繪畫,繪畫時間在 1971 年到 1986 年,長達有 15 年的時間,都藏在魏斯一個朋友家的閣樓上。畫作中有相當多 Helga 的裸體畫與肖像畫,畫面蒼白而且孤寂,深入人心,是魏斯在 1969 年克莉斯汀娜死後畫風的轉捩點。

據魏斯的說法,當時他瞞著妻子開始以黑爾嘉為模特兒繪畫的原因,是妻子相當不滿他上一個模特兒 Siri, Mery。


Andrew Newell Wyeth  ● Andrew Wyeth / from Wikipedia

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-27 00:57:24 (IP: ) T 3513_R 2 引 用

《 Wind from the Sea 》Tempera on hardboard, 18 1/2 x 27 9/16 inches, 1947, National Gallery of Art , Washington D.C.

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《 Soaring 》1950, Shelburne Museum.

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《 Spring Fed 》Tempera, 1967, Chadd‘s Ford, PA.

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《 Pennsylvania Landscape 》35X47 inches, Tempera on panel, 1942.

" Artists today think of everything they do as a work of art.
 It is important to forget about what you are doing - then a work of art may happen. " — Andrew Wyeth

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《 Faraway (Jamie Wyeth) 》Dry brush, 13 1/2 x 21 inches, 1952, Lent by Mrs. Andrew Wyeth.

作品中的男孩是魏斯的第二個孩子 James Browning Wyeth,當時 Jamies 才六歲大小。

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《 Braids 》 Portrait of Helga Testort, 16 1/2 x 20 1/2 inches, Tempera on Masonite, 1979, Seattle Art Museum.

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《 Ides of March 》 Tempera, 1974.

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《 Ericksons 》 Tempera on paper, 42 x38 inches, 1973.

The top lot of the season, Andrew Wyeth’s Ericksons, established a new world auction record for the artist at $10,344,000 – one of 19 world auction records set today.

A majestic portrait of George Erickson, one of Wyeth’s favorite subjects, at his home in rural Maine, the large and rare tempera is imbued with a haunting, plaintive silence.

Andrew Wyeth & Mary Cassatt Set Sales Records at Christie’s

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《 Wylie‘s Scythe 》 Watercolor on paper, 22 x 29.88 inches, 1986.

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《 Branch in the Snow 》 Watercolor on paper, 21.38 x 30 inches, 1980.

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《 Pentecost 》 Tempera paint, 20.75 x 30.75 inches, 1989.

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《 Seabed 》 22.375 x 28.5 inches, 1980.

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《 Off at Sea 》 1972.

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《 Evening at Kuerners 》 18.5x28 inches.

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《 Overflow 》 23x29 inches, one of The Helga Picture, Dry brush on paper, 1978, Private Collection.

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《 The Sisters 》 Watercolor on Paper, 14.5 x 21.5 inches.

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《 The Public Sale 》 Tempera on panel, 1943, Philadelphia Museum of Art.

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《 Ice Pool 》 Watercolor, 1969.

“ I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape — the loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn’t show. ” — Andrew Wyeth

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《 Lovers 》

這位模特兒正是黑爾嘉 (Helga Testort)。1982年,魏斯甚至把這幅《 Lovers 》送給了不知情的妻子 Betsy。

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《 Below Dover 》 10 1/4 x 16 1/2 inches.

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《 Up in the Studio 》 1965, Dry brush on paper, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

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( L ) 《 Refuge, Helga 》 Dry brush, 1985. / ( R ) 《 Bird in the House 》 26 x 19 inches, 1984.

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《 Marsh Hawk 》 Tempera on Masonite, 30.5 x 45 inches.

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《 Field Hand 》 1985.

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《 Crows 》

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《 Wood Stove 》 12 1/2 x 24 inches.

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《 The Mill 》 14 x 22 1/2 inches.

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《 The Master‘s Bedroom 》 Watercolor on paper, 1965, Private Collection.

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《 Turkey Pond 》 Tempera on panel, 1944, Farnsworth Art Museum.

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《 Dodges Ridge 》 tempera on gessoed panel, 1947, Smithsonian American Art Museum.

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( L )《 Trodden Weed 》 Tempera on Panel, 1951, Private Collection.
( R )《 Groundhog Day 》 Tempera on Masonite, 31 3/8 x 32 1/8 inches, 1959, Philadelphia Museum of Art.

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《 The Witching Hour 》 Tempera on panel, 1977, Museum Syndicate.

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《 Helga 》

Andrew Wyeth’s - The Helga Pictures, 247 drawings and paintings he made of his neighbor Helga between 1971-1985, whom he used as a model for nearly 15 years in secrecy.

In 1986, a collector paid $100 million dollars to keep the collection in tact. In 1987, the collection was part of a six-city museum tour that included a stop at the MFA in Boston.

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《 Slight Breeze 》 Tempera paint, 24 1/2 x 32 1/2 inches, 1968.

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《 Marriage 》 tempera painting, 1993.

1948 年起,Chadds Ford 鎮的一對鄰居 Karl 夫婦 (Anna and Karl Kuerner ) 和他們的農莊,成為魏斯創作的題材及模特兒。30 年下來,這題材在魏斯的作品裡從來未曾中斷過。

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《 Open & Closed 》 1964.

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《 The Kuerners 》

" One‘s art goes as far and as deep as one‘s love goes. "   — Andrew Wyeth

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( L )《 Sea Boots 》 Tempera on panel, 29 x 19.5 in. 1976.
( R )《 The Pikes 》 28 1/4 x 19 1/4 inches, Watercolor,1965, San Diego Museum of Art.

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《 Airborne 》 Tempera on panel, 1996.

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《 Long Limb 》 Tempera on panel, 1999.

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( L )《 The Stone Fence 》 Tempera on Panel, 25 x 18.5 inches.
( R )《 The Reefer 》 Watercolor on Paper, 30 x 22 inches, 1977.

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《 Sandspit 》(Wyeth"s wife, Betsy at Cutler‘s Cove. Maine) 1953, Boston Museum of Fine Art.

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《 Outpost 》 Egg tempera painting, 1968.

The artist‘s wife Betsy Wyeth standing in front of a building on their Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania property.

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( L ) 2007 年 11 月 15 日,魏斯從喬治.布希總統手中接下「國家自由勳章」。
(Andrew Wyeth receives the National Medal of Freedom from President George W. Bush, Nov. 15, 2007.)

( R )“PENNSYLVANIA—Painter Andrew Wyeth, 1991.”

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《 That Gentleman 》 Tempera on panel, 23 1/2 x 47 3/4 inches, 1960, Dallas Museum of Art.

“ His voice is gentle, his wit is keen, and his wisdom enormous. ” - Andrew Wyeth of his neighbor and model for ‘That Gentlemen’, Tom Clark.

Andrew Wyeth, And His Populist’s Legacy  ● The New York Times, Jan. 17, 2009

Andrew Wyeth, R.I.P. / January 17, 2009  ● The Helga Pictures / from Wikipedia

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回應:天涯台客 2012-05-27 01:27:00 (IP: ) T 3513_R 50 引 用




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總 覽版 務政 經健康醫療軍 武理 財文 化藝 文科 技台灣的美旅 遊PISA娛 樂鄉 土公 民認 同副 刊哈 啦范氏網
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鳥 世 界
天 空
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思 維

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