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總 覽版 務政 經健康醫療軍 武理 財文 化藝 文科 技台灣的美旅 遊PISA娛 樂鄉 土公 民認 同副 刊哈 啦范氏網
Jerry C
鳥 世 界
天 空
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思 維

◆ 美國新寫實巨匠(下) ◆安德魯.魏斯 Andrew Wyeth

頁次: 1 2 
發表:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:02:00 閱覽數:59742 (IP: ) T 3521_R 0 引 用

《 Night Sleeper 》 1979.
魏斯(Andrew Wyeth,Jul. 12, 1917-Jan. 16, 2009 )被尊崇為美國新寫實主義的繪畫大師,主要是因為他的作品所顯現突出的是他獨特的思考與架構,緊切維繫著美國這片廣裘的土地,厚實中又見深邃的敘述感動力。
他所傳遞出的是:一份對於鄉土的景、物、人 —— 濃得化不開的摯情與關懷。

Andrew Wyeth / Simply Art   ● Andrew Wyeth‘s Helga Series

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:02:37 (IP: ) T 3521_R 1 引 用

《 Winter 1946 》 Tempera on board, 1946, North Carolina Museum of Art.

This depicts a lone neighbourhood boy running down a hill within sight of the Chadds Ford railroad crossing where Wyeth‘s father had been killed the previous year.

This was the first painting he did after his father‘s death.

(1945 年,魏斯父親 N.C. Wyeth 的車子卡在了離家不遠的鐵軌上,遭火車撞毀身亡。)

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:03:34 (IP: ) T 3521_R 2 引 用

《 North Light 》 Watercolor on paper.

" I search for the realness, the real feeling of a subject, all the texture around it...

 I always want to see the third dimension of something... I want to come alive with the object. "  
— Andrew Wyeth

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:04:35 (IP: ) T 3521_R 3 引 用

《 Monday morning 》 Tempera on Panel, 12.25 x 17 inches, 1955.

" Let’s be sensible about this. I put a lot of things into my work which are very personal to me. So how can the public feel these things?

I think most people get to my work through the back door.

They’re attracted by the realism and they sense the emotion and the abstraction — and eventually, I hope, they get their own powerful emotion. "   — Andrew Wyeth

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:05:06 (IP: ) T 3521_R 4 引 用

( L )《 Adrift 》 / ( R )《 End of Olsons 》 Tempera on Panel, 18.2 x 19 inches, 1969.

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《 Combers 》 Watercolor on Paper, 22 x 30.25 inches.

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黑爾嘉 (Helga Testort) 是魏斯創作生涯中,長達 15 年相當重要的模特兒,魏斯將 247 幅黑爾嘉的畫作託藏於鄰居的閣樓上。


( L )《 Londen Coat 》 Watercolor on Paper, 30 x20 inches, 1975. / ( R )《 Bikini 》 1968, Watercolor on Paper, 20 x 12 inches, 1968.

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( L )《 Letting Her Hair Down 》 tempera painting, 1972. / ( R )《 On Her knees 》 1977.

The Helga Pictures are a series of more than 240 paintings and drawings of German model Helga Testorf created by Andrew Wyeth between 1971 and 1985.

Testorf was a neighbor of Wyeth‘s in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, and over the course of fifteen years posed for Wyeth indoors and out of doors, nude and clothed, in attitudes that reminded writers of figures painted by Botticelli and Edouard Manet.

Although Wyeth denied that there had been a physical relationship with Testorf, the secrecy surrounding the sessions and public speculation of an affair created a strain in the Wyeths‘ marriage.

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( L )《 Day Dream 》/ ( R ) From the Helga collection.

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《 Black Velvet 》 1972.

"She was my most perfect model, and part of why she was so satisfying was that she worked hard at it. . . Helga posed nonstop."   — Andrew Wyeth

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:08:40 (IP: ) T 3521_R 10 引 用

( L ) Andrew Wyeth model Helga Testorf - 2006, Philadelphia Museum of Art‘s "Andrew Wyeth: Memory and Magic".  ( M ) 時代周刊專訪,1986.8.18 Helga Testorf 成為時代周刊的封面。  ● Art: Andrew Wyeth‘s Stunning Secret

當魏斯的妻子 Betsy James 被問及為什麼丈夫要藏起這些畫作時,她沉默了很久後回答:「因為『愛』」。


1986年,出版商 Leonard EB Andrews 以六百萬美元買下了整個 Helga 系列的版權。



回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:09:08 (IP: ) T 3521_R 11 引 用

《 The Olsons 》 Watercolor.

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《 Snow Flurries 》 National Gallery of Art , Washington D.C.

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《 Love in the Afternoon 》 Tempera on Panel, 11 1/4 x 18 5/8 inches, 1992.

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《 Turtleneck 》 Tempera on Panel, 22 x 34.2 inches, 1984.

" Artists today think of everything they do as a work of art.

 It is important to forget about what you are doing - then a work of art may happen. "   — Andrew Wyeth

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:11:07 (IP: ) T 3521_R 15 引 用

《 Antler Chair 》 Watercolor on paper, 1996.

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:11:36 (IP: ) T 3521_R 16 引 用
  ( L )《 Indian Summer 》 30x25 inches, 1978, Private Collection. / ( R )《 Blue Door 》 Watercolor on paper, 29 x 21 inches, 1952, Delaware Art Museum.

畫中的模特兒,是 Erickson 家的 Siri Erickson。這張作品被視是為後來衍生出 Helga 系列作品的序曲。

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(L)《 Pantry Window 》 Watercolor on Paper, 28 x 20 inches. / (R)《 Roasted Chestnuts >.

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:13:15 (IP: ) T 3521_R 19 引 用

《 Her Room 》

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( L )《 Liberty Launch 》 28 x 20 inches. / ( R )《 Jacket 》 tempera painting.

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:14:17 (IP: ) T 3521_R 21 引 用

" I don‘t really have studios. I wander around around people‘s attics, out in fields, in cellars, anyplace I find that invites me. "   — Andrew Wyeth

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:14:45 (IP: ) T 3521_R 22 引 用

《 Big Room 》 Tempera on panel, 20 x 26.5 inches, 1948.

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《 Easterly 》 26 x 32 inches.

" I can‘t work completely out of my imagination.

 I must put my foot in a bit of truth; and then I can fly free. "   — Andrew Wyeth

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《 Hay Ledge 》 Tempera on Panel, 21.5 x 45.2 inches, 2001.

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《 The Slip 》 18 1/4 x 26 inches.

" I dream a lot. I do more painting when I‘m not painting. It‘s in the subconscious. "   — Andrew Wyeth

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:16:29 (IP: ) T 3521_R 26 引 用
( L )《 Farm Road 》 tempera on masonite, 1979. / ( R )《 Pantry 》.

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:16:58 (IP: ) T 3521_R 27 引 用
   ( L )《 Cold Spring 》 23 x 17 3/8 inches. / ( R )《 Geraniums 》 Dry brush on Paper, 1960, Private Collection.

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:17:28 (IP: ) T 3521_R 28 引 用

《 The Peavey 》

" I love to study the many things that grow below the corn stalks and bring them back to the studio to study the color.

 If one could only catch that true color of nature - the very thought of it drives me mad. "   — Andrew Wyeth

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:18:03 (IP: ) T 3521_R 29 引 用

( L )《 Christina Olson 》 Tempera on Panel, 34 x25 inches, Private Collection.
( R ) Images: Winter 1946, Christina‘s World paintings by Andrew Wyeth; photo of Olson House by flickr user Bob Travis.

克莉斯汀娜.奧爾森 (Christina Olson)是魏斯夏天住屋的近鄰,她至少擔任過四幅作品的模特兒,最有名的是「克莉斯汀娜的世界」Christina‘s World,那時她已經 57 歲。

奧爾森患有小兒麻痺症,在此 < Christina Olson > 畫作裡,她已近 74 歲,1969 年離開人世。

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:18:34 (IP: ) T 3521_R 30 引 用

《 Fence Line 》 Watercolor on Paper, 21.7 x 30 inches.

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《 Teel‘s Landing 》 Watercolor on Paper, 19 x 28 inches, 1953.

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( L )《 Crossed Swords 》 1992. / ( R )《 Deserted Light 》 Watercolor and pencil on Paper, 30.5 x 22 inches, 1977.

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《 Alvaro and Christina 》 Watercolor on paper, 1968.

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《 Granddaughter 》 drybrush and watercolor on paper, 15 3/4 x 22 1/2 inches, 1956, Collection of Wadsworth Athenium, Hartford, Connecticut, Gift of Mrs. Robert Montgomery.

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《 Bushel Bakset Study 》 watercolor, 1968.

" It‘s all in how you arrange the thing... the careful balance of the design is the motion. "   — Andrew Wyeth

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《 The Sweep 》 Tempera on masonite, 24 1/8 x 35 1/8 inches, 1967, Collection of the Flint Institute of Art.

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《 Spindrift 》 1950.

Andrew Wyeth drew inspiration from wells of emotion and abstraction.

Wyeth called this painting, titled Spindrift (1950) (and another gem from New Hampshire’s Currier Museum of Art) a “portrait” of his Maine neighbor’s boat.

It‘s done in tempera, not oil, so the colors are muted and the finish is matte.

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《 Garrett Room 》.

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( L )《 Sirl 》 25 x24 inches, 1979. / ( R )《 Renfield 》 1999.

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《 Flotation Device 》.

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《 First Snow (Groundhog Day Study) 》 Watercolor on Paper, 14 x 22 inches, 1959.

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《 Study for The Bachelor 》 Watercolor on paper, 16 x 22.38 inches, 1964.

" To be interested solely in technique would be a very superficial thing to me. "   — Andrew Wyeth

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:25:46 (IP: ) T 3521_R 43 引 用

《 Snow Birds 》 Watercolor and pencil on Paper, 20.25 x 30 inches, 1970.

這幅 < Snow Birds > 水彩作品,2010 年曾鬧上美國的社會新聞,FBI 在紐約拍賣行查獲一幅 < Snow Birds > 偽造的假畫,價值約 USD. 30 - 50 萬元,Brandywine River Museum 一位專家證實,拍賣行拍出的作品的確是膺品假畫。

FBI Seizes a Forgery of Andrew Wyeth‘s Painting“Snow Birds”from an Auction House

回應:天涯台客 2012-05-29 01:26:18 (IP: ) T 3521_R 44 引 用

《 Otherworld 》 2002, Philadelphia Museum of Art.





Andrew Wyeth & Olsen House in Cushing, Maine   ● 從魏斯 /


回應:濁水溪畔的國中生 2012-05-30 00:35:18 (IP: ) T 3521_R 45 引 用


嚴謹地說,魏斯的風格是Regionalism(an American realist modern art movement that was popular during the 1930s.),若稱為【鄉土寫實主義】是否比較貼切?

回應:討海人 2012-05-30 02:08:54 (IP: ) T 3521_R 46 引 用




回應:天涯台客 2012-05-30 02:13:30 (IP: ) T 3521_R 47 引 用
資優高材生 暗安!討海大人 午安!



二來之所以被冠上【新寫實主義】,是因為先前有個 【‪Regionalism (art)‬】 ,因之才被稱作【新寫實主義】。




回應:濁水溪畔的國中生 2012-05-30 22:13:51 (IP: ) T 3521_R 48 引 用





回應:葉國康 2013-07-23 16:35:18 (IP: ) T 3521_R 49 引 用

回應:阿草 2013-07-24 18:27:08 (IP: ) T 3521_R 50 引 用
閱讀 ... 感恩! ^__^

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總 覽版 務政 經健康醫療軍 武理 財文 化藝 文科 技台灣的美旅 遊PISA娛 樂鄉 土公 民認 同副 刊哈 啦范氏網
Jerry C
鳥 世 界
天 空
鏡 頭
思 維

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