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總 覽版 務政 經健康醫療軍 武理 財文 化藝 文科 技台灣的美旅 遊PISA娛 樂鄉 土公 民認 同副 刊哈 啦范氏網
Jerry C
鳥 世 界
天 空
鏡 頭
思 維

Roman Ocean God

頁次: 1 2 
發表:X Ma 2015-10-07 14:53:56 閱覽數:40640 (IP: ) T 4843_R 0 引 用

《Roman Ocean God Statues and Fountains》

回應:X Ma 2015-10-07 14:55:46 (IP: ) T 4843_R 1 引 用
『〜〜when the master is powerful enough, he or she doesn’t actually need it to exercise.』

這個 quote 很有東方哲學的味道,所謂「重劍無鋒、大巧不工、大象無形、大音希聲〜〜」等等不就是道個意涵嗎?



shows exactly the spirit of「Nothing is something! 」

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-08 07:33:03 (IP: ) T 4843_R 2 引 用

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-08 07:37:56 (IP: ) T 4843_R 3 引 用
Now, this is supposed to be the intact one.
Neptune and Triton.

回應:test 2015-10-08 18:46:57 (IP: ) T 4843_R 4 引 用

回應:test 2015-10-12 17:54:42 (IP: ) T 4843_R 5 引 用
Now, this is supposed to be the true one.

回應:test 2015-10-12 18:00:23 (IP: ) T 4843_R 6 引 用
Now, this is supposed to be the genuine one.

回應:X Ma 2015-10-12 18:01:48 (IP: ) T 4843_R 7 引 用
Now, this is supposed to be the authentic one.

回應:X Ma 2015-10-12 18:04:10 (IP: ) T 4843_R 8 引 用

Now, this is supposed to be the real one.

回應:X Ma 2015-10-12 18:09:06 (IP: ) T 4843_R 9 引 用
Now, no trident is supposed to be the bona fide one.

回應:test 2015-10-12 18:15:54 (IP: ) T 4843_R 10 引 用
But, you‘d find a sign saying:

“海神破塞洞三叉戟又銹又蛀、不堪使用,已暫時移除”! 豬煮習 識

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-12 19:19:16 (IP: ) T 4843_R 11 引 用
R2, 拿的比較像支3叉的乾草叉(pitchfork), 也難怪有人會不滿.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-12 19:19:55 (IP: ) T 4843_R 12 引 用
R010, 很幽默. ^^

回應:X Ma 2015-10-13 00:24:48 (IP: ) T 4843_R 13 引 用
It’s seen that both R_2 and R_4 were supposed to be genuine Bernini.

回應:X Ma 2015-10-13 00:26:45 (IP: ) T 4843_R 14 引 用
Then to equip or not to equip (a hayfork), that is a question !

回應:X Ma 2015-10-13 00:29:47 (IP: ) T 4843_R 15 引 用
The one I saw in that Museum some years back did equipped with one!

回應:X Ma 2015-10-13 00:30:36 (IP: ) T 4843_R 16 引 用

回應:X Ma 2015-10-13 00:32:03 (IP: ) T 4843_R 17 引 用
Together I show several nice sculptures from the museum. All provenances were intentionally omitted for anyone who likes to know can “Google” to get. The last two images concern the Museum building & façade. Hope you have fond of it.

回應:X Ma 2015-10-13 00:47:09 (IP: ) T 4843_R 18 引 用
It is seen that the Diana of R17 also not equipped with “bow and arrow”!

And to equip, or not to equip, that is the question.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-13 17:38:15 (IP: ) T 4843_R 19 引 用
They are all beatiful, and gorgeous!

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-16 21:28:25 (IP: ) T 4843_R 20 引 用

回應:泰伯 2015-10-17 00:10:50 (IP: ) T 4843_R 21 引 用


回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-17 07:43:09 (IP: ) T 4843_R 22 引 用

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-18 02:15:01 (IP: ) T 4843_R 23 引 用
很像又不太像. :- 泰伯兄有高見嗎?

以前版本的chrome 有 搜尋圖片來源的功能, 很強大;
新版的Chrome 沒有了. 可惜.

回應:X Ma 2015-10-20 16:12:34 (IP: ) T 4843_R 24 引 用
R21 >> “請問R17最後一張像教堂的是什麼地方? 也是 museum 的一部份嗎?”

R23 >> “很像又不太像. :- 泰伯兄有高見嗎?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

抱歉沒說清楚,R17最後一張是 V&A’s neighboring museum,the Natural History Museum.倫敦的 Kensington & Chelsea borough 聚集了大英帝國鼎盛時期建造的三座皇家博物館,最新的一座是 Science Museum.

R17 最後圖:

回應:X Ma 2015-10-20 16:39:28 (IP: ) T 4843_R 25 引 用
Next are sampling images of the NHM from my camera. All are self-explanatory and need not to caption, else “Google” will provide you whatever you’re interested in.

Darwin 爵士沒有說過人類的祖先是黑猩猩!

End of NHM ~~

回應:X Ma 2015-10-20 18:26:54 (IP: ) T 4843_R 27 引 用
Back to V&A Museum〜〜

The museum has large courtyard with a big pond that children love to paddle in it and the premise has different architectural façades from the street-side exterior.

Street-side façade

Courtyard-side façade

回應:X Ma 2015-10-20 19:45:36 (IP: ) T 4843_R 28 引 用
The V&A Museum is known to have a 19th century plaster cast of original statue of ‘David‘, by Michelangelo, Florence, Italy, 1501-4. Interestingly, one would find an additional plaster cast of a fig leaf, half a meter high, attached to the statue one time or the other in the Queen Victoria era. Below is what you would see the “David” then:

(Historic records)

However, the same “David” (with other piece of a sculpture copy) one sees nowadays would be:

<img sec=http://img1.imagilive.com/1015/DSC_1553corx3_800x531px.jpg>

回應:X Ma 2015-10-20 19:51:39 (IP: ) T 4843_R 30 引 用
try again,

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-21 11:51:28 (IP: ) T 4843_R 31 引 用


回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-21 12:31:39 (IP: ) T 4843_R 32 引 用
聽說歌利亞 有巨人症, 眼視不佳,
需要藉大聲斥罵, 刺激對方回應, 來做定位, 以便於攻擊.

呵呵. 這點真的和 KMT 有像,

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-21 12:44:50 (IP: ) T 4843_R 33 引 用
嗨 X Ma 桑, 請問
從建築風格 能不能看出R17 最後兩圖影像是屬不同的建築物?

回應:X Ma 2015-10-22 18:45:32 (IP: ) T 4843_R 34 引 用


不過兩幢建築都屬維多利亞時代仿羅馬式的風格,而且大量使用同廠牌的磁磚,正門又都是半圓拱門,確實很不容易分辨是 V&A 或 NH Museum.

BTW, s-Khoan san 的問題讓 濁水溪的高中生 桑(正反教授說他是 ENT Doc.)來回答一定最具參考價值?

回應:X Ma 2015-10-22 18:49:57 (IP: ) T 4843_R 35 引 用
R31 & R32:

Goliath 是位生長激素失調(巨人症)的異教徒戰士,四肢和身高異常、但大腦的發展可能未成比例,又缺少耶和華天父的加持,命運註定乖舛!

KMT 家大業大、錢多氣衰、無德無能、且作惡多端、必遭天譴。我們把青年網軍和愛台人士比作 David, 把 KMT 比擬 Goliath,明年 116 讓 KMT 的身首異處!

呵呵!有點血腥!上帝 Amen!

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-22 20:51:01 (IP: ) T 4843_R 36 引 用
聖經故事我不熟, 但
前兩貼後, 突然聯想起近來在電視上看的一部非典的西部電影[西部的一百万种死法](A Million Ways to Die in the West),
情節彷彿也是抄襲 大衛和巨人 的故事.
男主角 (當然就是打敗大壞蛋的角色) 在劇中就是個養羊的,
並不是傳統西部片的快槍手很角色的英雄 -- 通常的正業是養牛 (cowboys 嘛).

那女主角則是個大美女明星, Charlize Theron, 大壞蛋 連恩尼遜 也是大咖.
雖然這片的賣座平平, 可是我還蠻有印象的.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-22 20:52:07 (IP: ) T 4843_R 37 引 用
很角色 => 狠角色

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-22 20:55:52 (IP: ) T 4843_R 38 引 用
R034, Sodesuka.

>正反教授說他是 ENT Doc.

不是個高中生? @_-

回應:X Ma 2015-10-25 02:52:50 (IP: ) T 4843_R 39 引 用

在 Michelangelo 的 David 之前,所的雕像腳下都有一顆巨人 Goliath 的頭顱,代表凱旋的戰鬥英雄,但是 Michelangelo 則大反其道,刻意去表述兩軍對峙、戰鬥一觸即發前的 David,他頭部微俯,雙眉緊鎖怒目震撼,全神貫注地直視前方,他的力量暗藏在待機而發的姿勢上,頑強沉靜地處於迎接戰鬥的狀態,神情充滿正義凜然的英雄氣概。臉部的表情可用『敬天畏神、慎度情勢』來形容:

後世的 Bernini 也依循 Michelangelo 的手法來處理David 的雕像,臉部的表情堪用『憤懣仇怨、蓄勢待發』來形容:

img src=http://img1.imagilive.com/1015/img_0874_640x352px.jpg>

回應:X Ma 2015-10-25 02:54:44 (IP: ) T 4843_R 40 引 用

回應:X Ma 2015-10-25 03:03:41 (IP: ) T 4843_R 41 引 用
至於 大衛 和祂的創造者 ― 米開蘭基羅 的內心世界,以至於米氏與他偉大的溼壁畫的軼事 濁水溪畔的高中生桑 有些可貴的見解,堪値網友們回味:

1. T 3932_R 42>>請欣賞大衛頭像近照。端詳一下大衛表情,體會體會大衛和米開蘭基羅的內心世界。

2. 不僅於此,米開朗基羅於1534年~1541年為西斯汀禮拜堂繪製的一幅巨型祭壇畫作《最後的審判》(Last Judgement),畫中也有他的獨特【簽名】。

西斯汀禮拜堂拱頂(The Sistine Chapel Ceiling)的溼壁畫《創世紀》Sailor san kept his words to 濁水溪畔的高中生桑, also had a report on it.

好不容易被人龍推進西斯汀教堂了、這個我曽経答應可愛い高中生要好好的拍幾張最後的審判&父と子的米開蘭基羅名画、他!馬的、不准拍照!The Sistine Chapel, 只好録自Google, 感謝谷歌大神!!

參觀 西斯汀禮拜堂拱頂(The Sistine Chapel Ceiling)的溼壁畫《創世紀》我建議避開旺季而且不忘帶一具輕巧的 opera binocular. 呵呵!

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-25 14:20:50 (IP: ) T 4843_R 42 引 用
>上圖右下方雲端是使徒聖巴多羅買(St. Bartholomew),他...

我找半天, 原來是在正中央嘛!
Michaelangelo 獨特的簽名 是指這個? 很特別. :-)


回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-28 23:28:35 (IP: ) T 4843_R 43 引 用
這次參加巡邏南海行動的 P-8波音海神號反潛巡邏機 雄姿. ^^

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-28 23:55:48 (IP: ) T 4843_R 44 引 用
Boeing P-8 Poseidon.

回應:X Ma 2015-10-30 02:39:29 (IP: ) T 4843_R 45 引 用

Two pieces of news about P-8’s:

A P-8A Poseidon aircraft departs Boeing Field in Seattle on Nov. 20, 2014. A P-8 was patrolling what the U.S. considers international airspace over the South China Sea on May 20, 2015, when it was warned away by a Chinese navy ground dispatcher at Fiery Cross Reef. China considers the reef its territory.

Boeing is also courting the UK, which is believed to be looking at acquiring P-8s with which to rebuild its anti-submarine warfare capabilities. These were seriously impaired following the abrupt withdrawal of the Nimrod MR.2 maritime patrol force in 2010 and axing of the planned Nimrod MRA.4 replacement program, leaving a capability gap which Russian surface vessels and submarines have exposed during recent incursions into British waters

回應:X Ma 2015-10-30 02:53:13 (IP: ) T 4843_R 46 引 用
We plan to stay in UK things for a while. So let’s look up the ill-fated HMS Poseidon (P99), as she was one of the several real ships named after the Roman Ocean God.

HMS Poseidon, which was a state-of-the-art submarine when the Royal Navy launched it in 1929 but sank only two years later off Shandong province.

回應:X Ma 2015-10-30 02:58:22 (IP: ) T 4843_R 47 引 用

When the British submarine HMS Poseidon sank off China‘s east coast 82 years ago (Friday 18 October 2013 17.10 BST) after colliding with a cargo ship, the dramatic underwater escape by five of its crew members made headlines around the world.Story

The incident was then forgotten, eclipsed by the greater drama that followed in World War II, until news emerged that, for obscure reasons, the Chinese government had salvaged the wrecked submarine in 1972. This lively account of the Poseidon incident tells the story of the accident and its aftermath, and of the author’s own quest to discover the shipwreck and its hidden history.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-30 13:37:32 (IP: ) T 4843_R 48 引 用
I‘ve got another here, light cruisers HMS Neptune (海神 英國皇家輕型巡洋艦).

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-31 07:29:28 (IP: ) T 4843_R 49 引 用

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總 覽版 務政 經健康醫療軍 武理 財文 化藝 文科 技台灣的美旅 遊PISA娛 樂鄉 土公 民認 同副 刊哈 啦范氏網
Jerry C
鳥 世 界
天 空
鏡 頭
思 維

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