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總 覽版 務政 經健康醫療軍 武理 財文 化藝 文科 技台灣的美旅 遊PISA娛 樂鄉 土公 民認 同副 刊哈 啦范氏網
Jerry C
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思 維

Roman Ocean God

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發表:X Ma 2015-10-07 14:53:56 閱覽數:40652 (IP: ) T 4843_R 0 引 用

《Roman Ocean God Statues and Fountains》

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-31 07:39:34 (IP: ) T 4843_R 51 引 用
R049, 這艘比較像 HMS Bellerophon.
這艘才是Neptunn 海神 同 R48.

回應:X Ma 2015-10-31 12:28:21 (IP: ) T 4843_R 52 引 用
Hi s-Khoan,

According to internet there were 9 ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Neptune after the Roman god of the ocean:

The fist one was a 90-gun sail built in 1683.

The latest ships include a battleship (1909) (Figs. R49 & R51) and a light cruiser (1933) (Fig. R48). Thus all your pics are ships of the same name but of the different generation and class. ^_^


HMS Neptune, British light cruiser (1933~1941); sunk in a minefield off Tripol

BTW, there was a Swedish sub (1980) also called HMS Neptune.

回應:X Ma 2015-10-31 20:00:29 (IP: ) T 4843_R 53 引 用
The fist one --> The first one

回應:X Ma 2015-11-03 16:56:19 (IP: ) T 4843_R 54 引 用
V&A Museum houses a Neptune without a trident (R4) and a Diana without bow and arrow (R17).

R18 >> 『It is seen that the Diana of R17 also not equipped with “bow and arrow”!

And to equip, or not to equip, that is the question. 』

I think I didn’t make the statement clear enough again.

The Diana (1778) by Joseph Nollekens in V&A Museum actually is holding an imaginary arrow and grip a solid center portion of a bow and therefore should be considered as “armed”.

The rendition of holding the bow grip, instead of the whole piece, probably was inspired by the Diana of Versailles cresting the Fountain of Diana seen in the gardens of the Château de Fontainebleau which I revisited in the Summer:

回應:X Ma 2015-11-03 17:01:50 (IP: ) T 4843_R 55 引 用
The Fountain of Diana

A marble copy of the Diana also be seen in Musée du Louvre, Paris. It is a Roman copy (1st or 2nd century AD) of a lost Greek bronze original attributed to Leochares, c. 325 BC.

回應:X Ma 2015-11-03 17:08:36 (IP: ) T 4843_R 56 引 用

If you ask why Diana statue often accompanied, besides hounds, with a stag. The disturbing myth of Diana and Actaeon(the Theban prince and mighty hunter)tells you why :『The goddess is observed by a young huntsman as she bathes naked in a stream. He stares in fascination and awe at “the most beautiful vision ever beheld by man”. But his harmless voyeurism leads to tragedy; Diana sees him and turns him instantly into a stag - a form in which he would never be able to tell anyone he had seen her naked. However, as luck would have it, his hunting dogs did not recognize their master in his new form, so they turned on him, hunted him down and tore him.』

This is one of many myths which unmasks the Greek male‘s fear of women (Medea and Atalanta are two others) - female beauty is not just there for his enjoyment - it has a power to trap and then destroy.

Diana Punishes Actaeon by RICHARD L. MINNS

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-04 11:24:27 (IP: ) T 4843_R 57 引 用
有個印度女神也是恐怖至極, 叫 Kali.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-04 12:41:28 (IP: ) T 4843_R 58 引 用
被她(Kali, 迦梨)踩踏在腳底下的是濕婆 (Shiva), 她的丈夫喔!

阿 濕婆何許神?

有夠強悍! ^_^

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-04 12:51:34 (IP: ) T 4843_R 59 引 用
注意看R057 她那串項鍊! :-O

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-04 12:57:01 (IP: ) T 4843_R 60 引 用

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-08 23:05:53 (IP: ) T 4843_R 61 引 用
Diana 給幾乎全世界人 都是美好的印象 -- 拜凡人黛安娜王妃之功.

現在才知道這女神 原來有這個殘酷面像.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-08 23:22:26 (IP: ) T 4843_R 62 引 用
我聽說 (電影[怒戰天神]裡) 神的力量power 是從人類的崇拜來的.
不崇拜神的人, 才會受神的處罰. Diana 女神的做法實在令人不解.

回應:X Ma 2015-11-10 00:56:05 (IP: ) T 4843_R 63 引 用
R57 >> “印度也是個多神教國度.
有個印度女神也是恐怖至極, 叫 Kali.”


Indeed this Kali is extremely fearsome and horridness. However, in the making of deities the Oriental images are seemingly more flexible and fascinating. One forms of blue skin Kali has 10 arms which carries trident and bow and arrow among other varieties of weapons. I like the later form in the light of having the equipments of Neptune and Diana’s.

A wise and learned gentleman like s-Khoan san should gives us the readers more enlightenment about Indian Deities and Hinduism. These gods and goddesses and their stories must be of very interesting and enthralling. Thus far we have leaned Shiva and Kali; we expect to know lots more from you.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-11 00:35:57 (IP: ) T 4843_R 64 引 用
I am no wiser, neither much learned regarding the Western mythology.
Only I have recently been quite fascinated by the portray of gods‘ things in the movies, such as [The wrath of Titans(怒戰天神)] series.

According to the movies, gods have problems of their own, and at the end decide to destroy thenselves, and trust that human are fully capable of going on and self-governing.

回應:X Ma 2015-11-11 03:32:41 (IP: ) T 4843_R 65 引 用

>>回信 發言人:阿牛歐高, on Nov/11/2015 00:10:52 (IP code: X.X.219.183)


>>偉大的 迷圓周率 數學才子智者前輩:

阿牛兄 稱每位 big big 『偉大的 "abcd" 才子 智者 前輩,』無人反對!嘻!

At least, you are the one who first introduced to us the fascinating dreadful Hindu deities. I really enjoyed reading what you had sampled.

It is said that people of the Indonesian island Bali also adapt Hindu gods and practice a similar believing, why not enlighten us some?

回應:X Ma 2015-11-11 10:24:25 (IP: ) T 4843_R 66 引 用
R62 >> 我聽說 (電影[怒戰天神]裡) 神的力量power 是從人類的崇拜來的. 不崇拜神的人, 才會受神的處罰.

The difference between religion and myth:

『Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them〜』(religion)

In the very beginning,『mankind created gods in their image, in the image of them they created gods〜〜』(myth)


Long time ago: Men created laws; and in turn, the laws became the yoke on men.

2008: Taiwanese elected shit Ma and shit Ma becomes the pains of Taiwanese.

That’s life; that’s mankind, that‘s Taiwanese!

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-12 20:25:03 (IP: ) T 4843_R 67 引 用
我由於對Diana 女神的那種行為感到好奇,
於是用 goddess 和 cruelty 去搜尋,

我基本上是學科學的. 對印度教的神祉 並沒有特別研究.
近年有特別考察在台灣流傳很普遍, 影響台灣文化的佛教教義.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-12 21:03:23 (IP: ) T 4843_R 68 引 用
有關創造, 也就是萬物從無到有的問題,
佛家基本上是講 [甚深因緣]而已. ^^

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-13 12:15:39 (IP: ) T 4843_R 69 引 用
R57 那個被女神踩在腳底的她丈夫 Shiva (濕婆) 被一些印度教派視為創造眾生的神, creator.
可見 多神論的印度教對神的觀念和 盛行西方的單神論頗有差距, 十分戲劇性.

Btw. 佛教有加以吸收, 視之為護法神.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-13 12:25:04 (IP: ) T 4843_R 70 引 用

哲學家裡, 記得是費爾巴哈 (Ludwig Feuerbach 1804-1872) 最早提出那種論調, 後來得到馬克思, 恩格斯的承襲.
德國人費爾巴哈是個經典的解放主義, 無神論, 和物質論者.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-13 12:26:59 (IP: ) T 4843_R 71 引 用
‘那種論調‘ referring to the quote in R66.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-13 13:09:15 (IP: ) T 4843_R 72 引 用
有關R2的神兵利器 ‘trident‘ 看來像pitchfork (草叉),
其實也不辱沒. Pitchfork 本身也是同等級的利器, Hades (宙斯的另一兄弟, 除了 Poseidon/Neptune 海神外), 就是使用這種武器.

下面顯示 三神兄弟分別使用的武器:

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-17 11:16:38 (IP: ) T 4843_R 73 引 用
虛無主義者相信虛無(Nothingness)最大, 因為連教友都同意:

Nothing is greater than God. ^_~

語言能造神, 不必懷疑.
據說([巴別塔] 故事)神非常介意人類的語言發展,
於是刻意下凡加以破壞混淆. ^^

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-17 11:20:51 (IP: ) T 4843_R 74 引 用

回應:X Ma 2015-11-17 20:43:32 (IP: ) T 4843_R 75 引 用

沒有宇宙大爆炸就沒有 energy and matter, and time,沒有energy and matter, and time 就沒有後來的人類,沒有人類就沒有”God(s)”,God(s)可以是 created (myth, religion, judicial laws, etc.) 也可以 found (Natural laws for example),然後人們就膜拜衪、順從衪、相信衪,接受祂規範和恩寵,賦於祂的代理人、執行者、甚至衍生的科儀、法條、包括數理、工程之定理公式等等無上的威權。

R62 >> “我聽說 (電影[怒戰天神]裡)神的力量 power 是從人類的崇拜來的.”我是可以接受的。

至於宇宙大爆炸的 source, reason, cause, and origin 以及爆炸剎那之前的 state of being 是什麼? Something or nothing 我不知道要問誰。

如果我隨機的選擇“nothing”,那麼“nothing” 就不只 is greater than God,而是 the cause of everything (including god(s) naturally!)

感覺 s-Khoan san 神學和哲學的修為和興趣超越我們一般學理工的智者學人多多,也引起我非常懷念我們的濁水溪畔的高中生網友(he is an ENT doc according to our math prof.)。

總之,諸如佛教與印度教的愛恨情仇、神學和哲學矛盾統一,s-Khoan san 請多多繼續 enlighten 我們!

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-18 23:22:43 (IP: ) T 4843_R 76 引 用
我們作科學的 其實和神鬥爭很久了.
在牛頓之後, 又有人把科學造神, 叫Scientism, 更加激起單神論教徒們的齊聲討伐,
像不時掀起的 創世論 vs 演化論 爭辯.
大抵, 科學都是在站在防禦的一方.

現在西方哲學界體認到 思想的問題在語言, 是以古典哲學 (形上學),
漸漸失去了權威, 這在思想史上稱為 ‘Linguistic turn‘ (日文:言語論的転回).
不過在這方面, 佛家確實是有先見之明, 很早就處理了這初始的問題.
佛典有所謂 [名言戲論], 又說 [想為先, 戱論縛],

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-19 07:36:28 (IP: ) T 4843_R 77 引 用
>我們作科學的 其實和神鬥爭很久了.
嚴格來講, 不是和神, 而是和 以神為名義的勢力.

回應:honzi 2015-11-19 13:30:32 (IP: ) T 4843_R 78 引 用
各位先賢 晚安

<佛典有所謂 [名言戲論], 又說 [想為先, 戱論縛],

但藏傳佛教卻有"辯經"的必修課 倒是奇特 也可稱為
"Linguistic turn" 早在千年前就有了?

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-20 09:42:23 (IP: ) T 4843_R 79 引 用
R78, honzi 桑, 藏傳佛教我不清楚, 但必定傳承了佛教的語言訓練.
整體而言, 印度的語言學發展得很早, 算是這方面的始祖.
看這段華文維基描述 (和英文版是一致的):



在釋迦牟尼時代 (算西元前第6世紀了), 已經相當注意語言的使用, 分辨所謂二諦,
第一義(勝義諦), 和俗義諦 -- "諸佛依二諦 為眾生說法".

首先確定的用詞, 只針對單一對象, 那就是它的第一諦, 一對一.
然後經過世俗流傳, 轉譯, 會產生種種其他意思, 那就是俗義諦了.

比如 問到派系問題, 蔡英文第一次講[沒有..., 都是‘英派‘],
現在如果有人混淆說 (或故意, 或誤解), 馬‘英‘九也是英派阿.
喔, 這流傳起來, ‘英派‘就可能產生其他意思了. 類似這樣. ^^

談回 ‘God‘,
God 對信徒而言是持第一義 -- 那個全知全能無所不在的唯一真神,
但有人可以先有了這God概念, 再自行言詞編造出對象來, 廣為流傳,
甚至勝過那原本唯一的 (若存在的話),

諸如此類. ^^

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-20 09:45:53 (IP: ) T 4843_R 80 引 用

這段指的, 應該就是晚近後現代主義 (Postmodernism)的興起.
這是在前述 Liguistic turn 之後的發展.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-20 10:33:16 (IP: ) T 4843_R 81 引 用
R80 收回.

年代不太對. 待查.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-21 11:11:00 (IP: ) T 4843_R 82 引 用
先不管西洋的發展歷史, 值得一提的是,
自古漢學者執著的文字學 (在西方叫philology),

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-21 13:15:44 (IP: ) T 4843_R 83 引 用
昨天媒體評論 DPP 不分區名單,
有好些政治人物被掛[英派], 但也有[謝派] 和其他的.

也難怪 西方學者喜歡在取名(打造專有名詞) 後, 加以拉丁化,
因為沒有人在日常使用拉丁語! ^^

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-22 12:13:51 (IP: ) T 4843_R 84 引 用
今早看一段電影, 才發現
R57 Kali 原來早就很出名了, 出現在30多年前 家喻戶曉的Steven Spielbeg的探險名片
[Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom] ([魔宮傳奇], 1984年)裡.
片中 ‘Kali‘ 念成 ‘嘎-哩‘.

那女主角看來有點面熟, 一查竟然就是史匹柏夫人.
他們就是在這片認識. 1991年結婚之今.
而且兩人生有6個孩子! WOW!
Good to know. ^^

回應:s-Khoan 2015-11-23 09:51:35 (IP: ) T 4843_R 85 引 用
電影裡的 Kali (嘎-哩).

回應:chinkkkila 2015-11-24 15:48:31 (IP: ) T 4843_R 86 引 用
too much bullshits from chinkkksshit s-Khoan is no good
focus on real stuff taiwanian not chinkkssshit bullshits

回應:X Ma 2015-11-24 23:00:53 (IP: ) T 4843_R 87 引 用

What do you mean by real stuff?

One thing that is real stuff I‘m sure is the big bird.

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