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Jerry C
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發表:NorthStar 2016-01-04 14:50:22 閱覽數:3190 (IP: ) T 4956_R 0 引 用

如此接連而來的壞消息,在在都讓人感到中國今年的經濟發展大勢不妙,曾準確預測1998年俄羅斯股市崩盤的分析師史密斯(JP Smith)也警告:2016年中國經濟將面臨「突然的停滯」,因為中國政府再也沒有能力提振獲得國家補貼的產業,加上資本外流,導致人民幣大幅貶值(註3),對照近二十多年來已經習慣認為中國經濟「情勢一片大好」的樂觀氣氛,顯得頗不尋常。




(註2) http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/business/paper/945965

回應:chinkkkkilllaa 2016-01-04 17:32:49 (IP: ) T 4956_R 1 引 用
u need chinkkkkilllaa to explain to u whats happening
first u need to understand robotic slaves manufacturing economics and supply and demand of cheap shits
second u need to understand animal reproduction and survival in the pigsland
in a robotic slaves manufacturing model there always be oversupply of cheap stuffs and since chinkkkkssshits are low-grade robotic slaves the cheap stuffs is really cheap shits
the demand of cheap stuff is high if the quality are good but the demand of cheap shits is medium to low and eventually zero when nobody want to buy or get it even give for free
thus the money eventually drys up and the whole economics crumbles

回應:chinkkkkilllaa 2016-01-04 17:34:24 (IP: ) T 4956_R 2 引 用
where does the taiwanese chinkkkkssshits money slaves comes in this model ? the stupid taiwanese chinkkkkssshits money slaves supply the little tech they learned from nipponjin and muuricans to the chinkkkkssshits so the chinkkkkssshits robotic slaves can manufacture new cheap shits and make more money for the chinkkkkssshit and delay chinkkkkssshits economics crumbles disgusting taiwanese chinkkkkssshits money slaves piece of shits
eventually the little tech taiwanese slaves no more new tech and eventually die with the chinkkkkssshits
u may ask why that is not possible taiwanese are free democratic loving people we have alot of money and very hard working and special not like the chinkkkkssshit
no no no stupid taiwanese this is exactly why u don‘t understand lol

回應:chinkkkkilllaa 2016-01-04 17:35:03 (IP: ) T 4956_R 3 引 用
then comes the second topic introduce animal reproduction model
animal reproduce anyway it can as many as it wants without control without responsibility
the breeder outside the chinkkkkssshit piglands see it as a problem and restrict the new piglet born to be one per pig family
few pigs suck enough money and left the pigsland to bayarea, la, irv, ny etc (like the pigs from taiwan before them) and stink up the places make more and more look like pigland
most pigs still in pigland try to suck enough money to get d fuck out
and the pigs in taiwan still happy sucking money until all the taiwanese pigs slaves feeders die
u see taiwanese are the pigs slaves feeders working very hard to feed both the pigs in taiwan and in pigsland to keep it ass fatass ass possible what a bunch of disgusting stupid chinkkkssshit pig slaves
the pigs are soooo happy cuz the taiwanese pigs slaves feeders works so hard to feed the pigs in taiwan and in pigsland
but now the money in the piglands is drying up cuz people don‘t like pigshits no more money to suck to leave pigsland
1.5b pigs still waiting to leave calling taiwanese pig slaves calling taiwanese pig slaves
new strategy let‘s work taiwanese pig slaves (new and old) to death
u see and as u can see stupid taiwanese are very proud of their pig feeding history and listen to buddist pigs doing for the good of the pigs big love for the pigs
solution double the new piglet counts
all pigs inside and outside of taiwan are sooooo soooo happy with new new hopes
double+ pigs suck double+ money double+ chance to leave pigsland to stink up the world
taiwanese pigs slave feeders new and old work double+ time money get suck out double+ fast doing for the double+ good of the pigs double+ big love for the pigs
now lets revisit what taiwanese like to say "why that is not possible taiwanese are free democratic loving people we have alot of money and very hard working and special not like the chinkkkkssshit"
now do u see why this stupid taiwanese statement is soooo fucking funny lol

there is actually a third topic but it doesn‘t concern stupid taiwanese as these dumb pig slaves are too proud in their pig feeding history and too deep in love with pigshits

have fun taiwanese its the pigshits doom u choose

回應:chinkkkkilllaa 2016-01-04 17:37:10 (IP: ) T 4956_R 4 引 用
u need chinkkkillla to explain to u whats happening
first u need to understand robotic slaves manufacturing economics and supply and demand of cheap shits
second u need to understand animal reproduction and survival in the pigsland
in a robotic slaves manufacturing model there always be oversupply of cheap stuffs and since chinkkkkssshits are low-grade robotic slaves the cheap stuffs is really cheap shits
the demand of cheap stuff is high if the quality are good but the demand of cheap shits is medium to low and eventually zero when nobody want to buy or get it even give for free
thus the money eventually drys up and the whole economics crumbles
where does the taiwanese chinkkkksshit money slaves comes in this model ? the stupid taiwanese chinkkkksshit money slaves supply the little tech they learned from nipponjin and muuricans to the chinkkkkssshit so the chinkkkkssshit robotic slaves can manufacture new cheap shits and make more money for the chinkkkkssshit and delay chinkkkkssshit economics crumbles disgusting taiwanese chinkkkksshit money slaves piece of shits
eventually the little tech taiwanese slaves no more new tech and eventually die with the chinkkkssshits
u may ask why that is not possible taiwanese are free democratic loving people we have alot of money and very hard working and special not like the chinkkkkssshit
no no no stupid taiwanese this is exactly why u don‘t understand lol
then comes the second topic introduce animal reproduction model
animal reproduce anyway it can as many as it wants without control without responsibility
the breeder outside the chinkkkkssshit piglands see it as a problem and restrict the new piglet born to be one per pig family
few pigs suck enough money and left the pigsland to bayarea, la, irv, ny etc (like the pigs from taiwan before them) and stink up the places make more and more look like pigland
most pigs still in pigland try to suck enough money to get d fuck out
and the pigs in taiwan still happy sucking money until all the taiwanese pigs slaves feeders die
u see taiwanese are the pigs slaves feeders working very hard to feed both the pigs in taiwan and in pigsland to keep it ass fatass ass possible what a bunch of disgusting stupid chinkkkssshit pig slaves
the pigs are soooo happy cuz the taiwanese pigs slaves feeders works so hard to feed the pigs in taiwan and in pigsland
but now the money in the piglands is drying up cuz people don‘t like pigshits no more money to suck to leave pigsland
1.5b pigs still waiting to leave calling taiwanese pig slaves calling taiwanese pig slaves
new strategy let‘s work taiwanese pig slaves (new and old) to death
u see and as u can see stupid taiwanese are very proud of their pig feeding history and listen to buddist pigs doing for the good of the pigs big love for the pigs
solution double the new piglet counts
all pigs inside and outside of taiwan are sooooo soooo happy with new new hopes
double+ pigs suck double+ money double+ chance to leave pigsland to stink up the world
taiwanese pigs slave feeders new and old work double+ time money get suck out double+ fast doing for the double+ good of the pigs double+ big love for the pigs
now lets revisit what taiwanese like to say "why that is not possible taiwanese are free democratic loving people we have alot of money and very hard working and special not like the chinkkkkssshit"
now do u see why this stupid taiwanese statement is soooo fucking funny lol

there is actually a third topic but it doesn‘t concern stupid taiwanese as these dumb pig slaves are too proud in their pig feeding history and too deep in love with pigshits

have fun taiwanese its the pigshits doom u choose

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總 覽版 務政 經健康醫療軍 武理 財文 化藝 文科 技台灣的美旅 遊PISA娛 樂鄉 土公 民認 同副 刊哈 啦范氏網
Jerry C
鳥 世 界
天 空
鏡 頭
思 維

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